Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Great Priinciple of Pain and Pleasure

Why does one student succeed at an exam while another fails?

Study is a pain for the failing student.
Study is a pleasure for the rank holder..

Walking into a slum is a pain for many rich people.
But it was a pleasure to Mother Theresa.

People who succeed are those who take pleasure in taking pains.
You too can succeed in life by taking pains.

Life keeps a perfect account.
If you take pains, you will be rewarded with pleasure.
And if you opt for pleasure, you are bound to go through pain.

Take pains in first half of life, you will live in pleasure in the second half.
But take pleasure in first half, your life in the second half will be very painful.

A Great Lesson for every one to know and remember all the time.

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